Join a Course
The Courses here at Do The Healing Work, offer students the ability to tackle anything in their lives that hinder their growth. These courses are also designed to give students the tools to truly understand the science and practice of Orisa work in a hands on manner.
Power Tools Course - is designed to uncover the beliefs we hold about ourselves that hinder progress. Each class is approximately an hour long and emailed to you. Each week you will have a one on one session with Iya Parise Shango DiDi Ogunleye.
Orisa Intensive Course - The Orisa Intensive is a class designed for new and intermediate practitioners alike. Designed to break down the science behind the forces of nature that we call Orisa. Learn the basics such as colors, numbers, foods, and habitats. This class also teaches the stories, manifestations, shadow sides and parts of the body that correlates and should be worked with for specific health and wellness. Plus learn simple prayers, appeasement, offerings and more.